
I'm back?

What can I say, I'm embarrassed.

I start a blog, I write what, three posts? And then completely lose momentum... But I'm back, and hope to stick around. This is fun.

Not surprisingly, a lot has happened since I posted last June, though the most photo-worthy event was by far a cross-country road trip to Austin, Texas. It was a doozy. Not only did we decide to drive across the southern states during the longest, hottest, most unrelenting heat streak in living memory (110ยบ in Vegas, and that is NOT a joke), we were in Preston's dark blue Audi sedan. Without air conditioning. Packed to the brim with everything he owned. NOT. A. JOKE.

Recap: Dark colored car. Black leather seats. 110 degree weather. NO AIR CONDITIONING.

Honest to god, I'm surprised we made it in one piece.

First we drove down the coast. Through Seaside and Manzanita and Cannon Beach, then camping on the dunes of Florence.

Then it was on to California and backpacking in the awe-inspiring redwoods. They're just...so...TALL.

All the way down Highway 1 to San Francisco, enshrouded by a strangely beautiful, eerie fog.

Napa for a day. Wine, food, wine, wine, sleep.

Then we headed east to Yosemite. I think John Muir had it figured with this one. I would live here if they'd let me...

On to Nevada and seemingly endless stretches of dusty, barren road...

A quick stint in Vegas, and then without intending to, we were suddenly on Route 66.

And then, the Grand Canyon. Our first look was at sunset, and I instantly felt smaller than a grain of sand. All I could think was: This place couldn't care less about us. 

It's important to feel humbled every once in a while.

And then, in New Mexico, we were beamed to the moon. And I'm really only half kidding... If you've ever been to White Sands National Monument, you know what I mean.

Dry, deserted, and literally smoldering, western Texas passed by quickly. Austin finally greeted us in all it's Longhorned, quirky, 'don't mess with Texas' confidence.

Just thinking about it, I'm jealous of my past self... That happens to me a lot. I think it's a good thing.

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