
All of these things.

Wow, what an amazing summer and fall it's been. Dare I say 'best ever'?

...Dare I?

Well, one thing's for sure: Seattle really out-did itself with the weather. I mean, when, in living memory, can any Seattleite say they saw 80 (eighty!) days with less than 3 hours of rain? That just does. not. happen.

So with that in mind, I will try to be a good sport about the impending misery months. I will (maybe) not complain about the rain. I will not get pissed off about 4:30pm sunsets. Instead, I will fill my head with images of chunky knit socks, hot tea, apple-olive oil cake with maple-cream cheese frosting, brown sugar roasted delicata squash, and blanket-laden reading nooks. That, and I will load up on Vitamin D gummy-vites... WINTER IS COMING!!

Before it's too far gone, though, I want to show a little of what Summer looked like from my corner of the world.

Also, read this. Can't help it--swearing is hilarious.